Job Portals: Perfect for Making Your Hiring Process Duller and Less Effective


Some companies have begun using job portals to search for new employees. In essence, such a digital recruiting program scans resumes, its algorithms seeking certain qualifications. Eventually, it will select a small group of potential hires for a particular opening. As you can imagine, the main attraction of these portals is that they save employers time.

However, by relying on these tools, organizations could easily deprive themselves of superstar staff members in a misguided attempt at efficiency.

Variety Is the Spice of Business

What makes a company truly dynamic and powerful is diversity in its ranks ― a mix of educational backgrounds, talents and life and work experiences. With such variance comes a wide range of ideas and different ways of looking at challenges. Under those circumstances, you never know which employee could devise a solution to a problem that’s been holding your business back.

However, job portals aren’t interested in diversity. They’re designed to look for the same things all the time. They create uniformity. Moreover, if your team members have been chosen by software, those people might seem so similar that a rejected applicant could file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The Human Touch

When you meet someone during a job interview, you might instantly have a hunch that he or she would be ideal for your organization. Maybe it’s that applicant’s energy, enthusiasm, optimism or creative phrasing that strikes you. Perhaps you think something along these lines: “Well, I bet this person would make a great partner for Mary. I should team them up and let them create great things together!”

In some cases, though, the interviewees who impress you won’t quite meet all of the job requirements that you’ve set forth. They might lack certain technical or business skills. But you could always train them in those areas. After all, if someone is missing a qualification but overflows with intelligence, ambition and warmth, why would you want to lose that candidate to a competitor? Of course, an algorithm would instantly eliminate that person from contention.

In short, when you rely on job portals, you’re dismissing the role that intuition plays. And in the long, proud history of global commerce, intuition has been responsible for countless breakthroughs.

Contact Madison Approach Staffing today for help with recruiting candidates and making your next great hire!